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Goodbye Apple. Hello Alberta School of Business!

I guess it’s about time I men­tion it broadly, rather than simply hint at it or just let a few folk know. As of the end of the month, I’ll be leav­ing my very cool and amaz­ing world-class fam­ily at Apple retail and join­ing the team at the Alberta School of Busi­ness at the Uni­ver­sity of…

I guess it’s about time I men­tion it broadly, rather than simply hint at it or just let a few folk know.

As of the end of the month, I’ll be leav­ing my very cool and amaz­ing world-class fam­ily at Apple retail and join­ing the team at the Alberta School of Busi­ness at the Uni­ver­sity of Alberta.

It was­n’t an easy decision, leav­ing the industry-lead­ing unique cul­ture of Apple retail. But it basic­ally boiled down to life­style; I wanted my week­ends and even­ings back to spend time with my family.

I leave with very fond memor­ies. Apple is an amaz­ing organ­iz­a­tion. I con­sider it a per­son­al priv­ilege that I was able to learn and grow with­in, and per­haps help influ­ence and con­trib­ute to the growth others.

Yes, I’ll miss the people and the unique Apple culture.

In my new role at the Alberta School of Busi­ness, I’ll be work­ing with the mar­ket­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tions teams to bring my social media, PR and com­mu­nic­a­tions know­ledge to bear on the School’s stra­tegic plans. Sim­il­ar to what I’ve done with the AMA, Empire Aven­ue and BioWare.

So, yes, bit­ter­sweet, and full of prom­ise and excitement!

I can­’t wait!

A sid­e­note: it’s very cool when the Dean of the school fol­lows you on Linked­In and you’ve not even star­ted yet! Reas­sur­ing, in fact.


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