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Month: February 2014

  • (TYPE A OR B) WeeklyBeats9

    Weekly­Beats sub­mis­sion for week 9. I may have gone over the top on this one. Intro is very heavy handed. Exper­i­mented with the new Z3TA+ synth for iPad, as well as the cur­rent stable; Thor, Sun­r­izer­XS, Nave, and a little Magel­lan. Lots of pans. Some com­pres­sion. A big exper­i­ment in many ways.… I hope you enjoy!…

  • WeeklyBeats7 — Cold Night

    Cov­er for my latest sub­mis­sion to Weekly­Beats 2014. Wanted to go for an atmo­spher­ic sound again, some­thing more ambi­ent. Maybe this worked. Maybe not, but it came out as a com­plete unit. Also tried stick­ing to a small ‘band’. In this case used instru­ments from SampleTank: Blue Phaser elec­tric piano, Xpander Phat synth pad, Cos­mic…

  • Better than Flappy Bird. Because Orbits!

    Yeah, Flappy Bird got old quick, but this little gem has me trapped in its grav­ity well (see what I did there?). Flappy Space Pro­gram, just like Flappy Bird, is simple. Click to launch your bird. Now, keep tap­ping to over­come grav­ity and launch your bird into orbit. Simple no? Ok, now add anoth­er bird. Then…

  • Because KSP

    Gra­vi­oli is a new Kerbal Space Pro­gram video by Nas­aault that’s also a trib­ute to the recent space block­buster Grav­ity. KSP is turn­ing into one amaz­ing pro­gram — and it’s not even out of Beta yet! Shut­ting up now. Enjoy the movie!


    Thought I’d make a treat­ment of our ‘UNDERDOG’, Bog­art. The Under­dog concept came from a post by our CaliC­an Res­cue honcho, Rene. He was in a res­taur­ant in Cali­for­nia, on a trip to pick up a new pack of res­cues, and after explain­ing to the waiter why he was there, the waiter replied; ‘Thank you…

  • Cool Thing: A browser based Theremin

    Well, it’s not really a Theremin but more of a sound toy. Yes, it’s a great dis­trac­tion and some­thing to piqué the curi­os­ity of your cube­mates. HTML5 based, it’s a very cool imple­ment­a­tion. The author states he’s work­ing on an update that will allow you to play along with your own music.. cool! Check it…

  • Hammered

    And not the way you think. My blog (and oth­ers of my account asso­ci­ated with my attacked domain) was off­line for a bit. It seems that someone thinks it’s a good idea to ham­mer my web­host’s serv­ers try­ing to find vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies in their security. They selec­ted my domain again today. Prob­lem is fixed, but it’s…