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Hashable is shutting down

Long time Twit­ter ‘access­ory’ Hash­able is finally out of beta, and clos­ing down effect­ive July 25th 2012, accord­ing to an email I received late yesterday: Dear Hash­able Users, We regret to inform you that the Hash­able mobile apps and will be shut­ting down on July 25th. The ser­vice will be unavail­able after this date. While we…

Long time Twit­ter ‘access­ory’ Hash­able is finally out of beta, and clos­ing down effect­ive July 25th 2012, accord­ing to an email I received late yesterday:

Dear Hash­able Users,

We regret to inform you that the Hash­able mobile apps and will be shut­ting down on July 25th. The ser­vice will be unavail­able after this date.

While we are still very pas­sion­ate about mak­ing bet­ter con­nec­tions and meet­ing new people, the time has come for us to focus our energy elsewhere.

Some of you have stored valu­able inform­a­tion in Hash­able, and we want to give you the oppor­tun­ity to save that data for your own records. If you’d like to receive a file with your com­plete his­tory, please log onto, nav­ig­ate to the “Pro­file” tab, then to the “Your His­tory” sec­tion on that page. You can down­load the file by click­ing “Export full his­tory to .csv” and accept­ing the dia­log that pops up.

We are incred­ibly grate­ful for all the people we have met through Hash­able. Thank you for all your sup­port, and we hope to con­nect with you again in the future.

All the best,
The Hash­able Team

As it says, mem­bers can down­load and archive their data stored in Hash­able by fol­low­ing the instructions.






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