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Norton Identity Safe — a personal online security suite

In this increas­ingly secur­ity con­scious online world, con­sciously prac­ti­cing online secur­ity is becom­ing more and more dif­fi­cult. How many of us use the same pass­word, or set of pass­words for many of our online activ­it­ies? Or look have soft­ware license keys stored in ran­dom loc­a­tions? And have yet anoth­er browser app or plu­gin to help…


In this increas­ingly secur­ity con­scious online world, con­sciously prac­ti­cing online secur­ity is becom­ing more and more dif­fi­cult. How many of us use the same pass­word, or set of pass­words for many of our online activ­it­ies? Or look have soft­ware license keys stored in ran­dom loc­a­tions? And have yet anoth­er browser app or plu­gin to help avoid mali­cious websites?

Earli­er this week a new entry appeared in the per­son­al pri­vacy and secur­ity space — Norton Iden­tity Safe.

Basic­ally, Iden­tity Safe is a com­bin­a­tion of an online pass­word vault, secure stor­age for private per­son­al inform­a­tion, safe surf­ing util­ity, and auto­mated form-filling utility.

It runs with­in your browser and is avail­able for PC, Mac, iOS or Android device. As well, the applic­a­tion is cross-browser func­tion­al so it’ll work with­in Chrome, Fire­fox, Safari and Inter­net Explorer.

Here’s a list of a few key features:

  • Safe Search & Norton Safe Web – Help con­sumers pro­tect their iden­tit­ies and avoid poten­tially risky sites by let­ting them know wheth­er a site is safe to vis­it dir­ectly from their search results.
  • Share³ – Allows users to safely share online con­tent by send­ing URLs through email and social net­work­ing plu­gins, dir­ectly from Norton Iden­tity Safe.
  • Multi-plat­form syn­chron­iz­a­tion – Syn­chron­izes inform­a­tion across plat­forms and devices, elim­in­at­ing the hassle of remem­ber­ing mul­tiple user names, pass­words, con­tact inform­a­tion and cred­it card num­bers. Norton Iden­tity Safe allows users to access their cre­den­tials any­where they go.


So it seems. Accord­ing to the Iden­tity Safe web­site, the applic­a­tion looks like it’ll be a sub­scrip­tion ser­vice, but if you install and use it pri­or to Octo­ber 1, 2012, it’s ‘FREE of charge forever. No strings attached.’

Of course, there are many oth­er free applic­a­tions and web ser­vices out there that offer one or anoth­er of Iden­tity Safe’s fea­tures, but Norton’s offer­ing is really more of an online pri­vacy suite, and may be worth check­ing out, espe­cially if you’re look­ing for an all-in-one solution.

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