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Many flavours of RSS readers for iPad

Earli­er today Feedly was rein­tro­duced to the iPad iOS world with sig­ni­fic­ant buzz — Robert Scoble pro­filed the read­er (check the video below). One of the not­able things about Feedly is its HTML 5 base — which allows the major­ity of func­tions to be device agnost­ic (Android, Win­dows Phone, etc). But on iOS devices, there are…

title.jpgEarli­er today Feedly was rein­tro­duced to the iPad iOS world with sig­ni­fic­ant buzz — Robert Scoble pro­filed the read­er (check the video below).

One of the not­able things about Feedly is its HTML 5 base — which allows the major­ity of func­tions to be device agnost­ic (Android, Win­dows Phone, etc).

But on iOS devices, there are a num­ber of RSS read­ers that have made names for them­selves, and are hap­pily co-exist­ing on my iPad.

All of these read­ers, in some way, tap into your vari­ous social media streams, as well as an exist­ing Google Read­er account — which is cool, as you can use the power of Google Read­er to man­age the feeds, then simply con­sume the con­tent on your mobile device as is convenient.
Photo May 03, 12 25 25 PM_480.jpg

Some are my daily use RSS read­er, and oth­ers, while inter­est­ing, just haven’t man­aged to keep my attention.
Here’s a few of the ones I like, and why:



Cur­rently my daily use news read­er, grabs con­tent from your Twit­ter stream, your Google Read­er RSS feeds, and your Deli­cious bookmarks.

Zite gives you a very clean and pol­ished inter­face con­sist­ing of algorith­mic­ally-selec­ted stor­ies from your con­tent feeds.

Inter­est­ingly, you can rate and share the con­tent. As you do this, Zite ‘remem­bers’ the con­tent you’ve rated and will get smarter about dis­play­ing con­tent to you as it learns. After a few weeks, you’ll have your own tuned and per­son­al­ized digit­al magazine made up of the con­tent you like to consume.

The only down­side? The danger of too much ‘same­ness’.  I do occa­sion­ally like to read out­side my reg­u­lar pat­terns, and I fear Zite will not expose me to some new and inter­est­ing things by only show­ing me more of what I like and review. Time will tell.



Ini­tially my reg­u­lar read­er, now it’s down to about once a month. Nice dis­play, nice meth­od of read­ing, but not good enough to keep me com­ing back. Zite has replaced Flip­Board as my ‘visu­al’ reader.



The 500lb gor­illa of RSS read­ers — quickly and effi­ciently man­ages your con­tent. Dis­plays RSS feeds cleanly and allows you to eas­ily browse your feeds. Simple and eleg­ant design has kept me using this as my reg­u­lar RSS read­er when I want to drill down to see what con­tent I’ve missed from a par­tic­u­lar source.



I have a love / hate rela­tion­ship with Pulse. Nice dis­play. Easy to use and share con­tent. It’s my Num­ber 2 RSS reader…except when it crashes. And it has, usu­ally once a ses­sion when I use it, which is becom­ing less frequent.



An odd one that has stayed on my device, for the time being.

Sim­il­ar to Pulse in lay­out, but not quite as effi­cient in hand­ling feeds, at least from an end-user perspective.



The new kid on the block. Ties in to Google Read­er, has a nifty swipe-sens­it­ive inter­face to flip pages, and a very nice look and feel.

I don’t like the way the con­tent is locked in a ver­tic­al ori­ent­a­tion (por­trait mode)…and am some­what con­cerned as a blog own­er that they’ve blocked out an area for insert­ing advert­ising in my blog con­tent stream — yes they ask you to ping them if that’s your con­tent stream, but what if I don’t — will they insert their own advert­ising on my content?

Regard­less, Feedly is new, and has my atten­tion for now — time will tell, espe­cially as it grows on oth­er mobile platforms.

Your turn — what mobile RSS read­er is your daily go-to read­er, and why?

Oh, and here’s that Feedly video I promised :smileyhappy:

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