Month: May 2011
A spacy new way to browse music on your iPad
Listening to music on your iPad is usually a visually-sparse affair. Load up your player, navigate to your library, and select the muisc. Play, and do other things. Not any more… Outta this world! Planetary is the new (and free!) app from Bloom Studios that gives new meaning to navigating through your music collection. To quote the…
Libraries are dead. Long live the Librarian!
I love it when coincidence and synergy lead to a blog post, this post in fact. In a post earlier this week, Seth Godin lead us through the history of the Library and the Librarian. In his post, he eventually settled on the somewhat alarming concept that the Library was basically dead: Wikipedia and the huge databanks…
50 year old infographic shows NASA’s first manned forray into space
NASA’s Image of the Day Gallery provided this cool infographic showing Alan Shepard’s brief flight into space — America’s first. It appeared magically on my desktop courtesy of John’s Background Switcher — a cool windows desktop wallpaper application that manages and displays many image sources.