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Second thoughts on Apple’s upcoming iOS4 operating system

Earli­er today, Apple kicked off their World Wide Developers Con­fer­ence with the tra­di­tion­al key­note present­a­tion by Steve Jobs. Tris did an excel­lent job of live blog­ging the event and I pos­ted my ini­tial (and some­what per­son­ally ori­ented) per­spect­ive of the announce­ment of iOS4 on my own blog. But then, a bit of time passed… But…

Earli­er today, Apple kicked off their World Wide Developers Con­fer­ence with the tra­di­tion­al key­note present­a­tion by Steve Jobs. Tris did an excel­lent job of live blog­ging the event and I pos­ted my ini­tial (and some­what per­son­ally ori­ented) per­spect­ive of the announce­ment of iOS4 on my own blog. But then, a bit of time passed… But after a bit of thought, I real­ized that in my earli­er post, I ten­ded to dwell on what I, with a 2nd gen­er­a­tion iPod Touch, wouldn’t be able to real­ize out of this free update because my hard­ware simply couldn’t take advant­age of the fea­tures that new­er hard­ware could. Things like Mul­ti­task­ing, Bluetooth key­boards, etc. …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.







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