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Month: June 2010

  • If I could turn back time…

    If you’ve seen the last few posts about prob­lems with Apple’s iOS4 oper­at­ing sys­tem upgrade for iPhone and iPod Touch, then you’re aware that many own­ers of 1st and 2nd gen­er­a­tion ver­sions of these devices have been hav­ing power and per­form­ance prob­lems with the update. Apple’s solu­tion has been to sug­gest a sys­tem restore, and…

  • Not entirely sold on iOS4

    For me, and my some­what aged iPod Touch (2G), iOS4 hasn’t really been as big a bene­fit as I’d cau­tiously hoped. Going into the upgrade, I knew that I’d not be able to use a Bluetooth key­board (darn), mul­ti­task­ing (double-darn) and wall­pa­per images (actu­ally, this one was a sur­prise). …more This post is an excerpt…

  • Battery life of a Microbe

    My wife uses an expres­sion to describe bat­tery-powered tech­no­logy that runs out of juice before it ‘should’ — Bat­tery Life of a Flea, is how she describes it. Well, if you thought you had prob­lems with iPhone or iPod Touch bat­tery life before, the new iOS4 update will not make you happy. Accord­ing to many anec­dot­al…

  • That was the week that was…

    Heh, anoth­er week, and anoth­er set of things that happened. No G20 or G8 cov­er­age here… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • 3 Apps to tame your Windows desktop

    All the talk on the techb­log recently about Mon­it­ors and cool things on the desktop got me think­ing about the three desktop applic­a­tions I use to make my desktop truely ‘mine’. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • It’s update season, and I’m getting tired

    We’re rap­idly approach­ing the half-way point in the year. Almost six months com­pleted in this year, and we seem to be approach­ing an event of sig­ni­fic­ant cor­por­ate import­ance — the end of the second quarter (Q2). Pro­jects are being wrapped up, deliv­er­ables being delivered, and mile­stones being met. As my wife poin­ted out today, it…

  • That was the week that was…

    Yikes! A whole week went past and this weekly roundup is late! Well, I could put it down to World Cup mad­ness, or over­in­dul­gence on E3 cov­er­age, but really, it’s just that we had such a nice week­end here in Edmon­ton that it was a shame to not enjoy it — which I did to…

  • Clash of Titans — Microsoft Office vs Google Docs

    Select­ing and using a suite of ‘office pro­ductiv­ity’ tools is a very per­son­al exper­i­ence, based on what has come before; your exper­i­ence with pre­vi­ous ver­sions and office suites. Heck, they’ve been around since the late ‘80s with appro­pri­ately ‘80s styled names; Visi-Calc, Word­Star etc. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly…

  • Office 2010 Reviews coming soon, I promise..

    Today’s the day that Microsoft’s update to the ven­er­able Office pro­ductiv­ity suite is avail­able world wide, for pur­chase — the beta has been avail­able for over a year as an extens­ive pub­lic release / test. But I’ve not used Microsoft Office on my home com­puters since early 2000, elect­ing to go with Open Office and Google…

  • Makin’ playlists, the easy way

    Since sum­mer is almost here and sum­mer vaca­tions are always bet­ter with some great tunes, I thought I’d take a look at a couple of sys­tems I use to build playl­ists for my iPod Touch; which means that these will work for your iPhone too (or oth­er media device if you can import iTunes playl­ists).…

  • This is the week that was

    With E3 loom­ing all oth­er tech news is about to get pushed off the front page, even some of these huge tech stories…get ’em while they’re hot! …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Brown paper packages tied up with string…

    If you fol­low my Twit­ter stream you know that I’m help­ing some friends out with a very cool Social Media pro­ject called Empire Aven­ue.  We’ve got­ten a little bit of press about it lately, most not­ably this art­icle on Mash­able. I’ve not talked about Empire Aven­ue a lot on my blog as I wasn’t really…