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Somethin’ for nothin’, get your bits for free

Today I’m going to delve into a facet of social media or writ­ing that’s not often dis­cussed or obvi­ous, yet is a bene­fit to blog authors and own­ers, and often encountered by vis­it­ors to blogs. FYI: This art­icle refers to an arrange­ment on my per­son­al blog, and does­n’t reflect my situ­ation with Future Shop. I’m…

Today I’m going to delve into a facet of social media or writ­ing that’s not often dis­cussed or obvi­ous, yet is a bene­fit to blog authors and own­ers, and often encountered by vis­it­ors to blogs. FYI: This art­icle refers to an arrange­ment on my per­son­al blog, and does­n’t reflect my situ­ation with Future Shop. I’m writ­ing about it because I find it a very inter­est­ing facet of mar­ket­ing and blog­ging, and I believe you too may be inter­ested in. If so, then… …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.







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