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Month: March 2010

  • Somethin’ for nothin’, get your bits for free

    Today I’m going to delve into a facet of social media or writ­ing that’s not often dis­cussed or obvi­ous, yet is a bene­fit to blog authors and own­ers, and often encountered by vis­it­ors to blogs. FYI: This art­icle refers to an arrange­ment on my per­son­al blog, and does­n’t reflect my situ­ation with Future Shop. I’m…

  • How to backup files across a network easily

    Before I start, a friendly remind­er that you only have a day left to enter the con­test for a free Click­free Trans­former backup sys­tem. Tell me a backup hor­ror story. It’s one thing to backup the files on your loc­al com­puter and anoth­er to backup files stored on oth­er com­puters on your net­work, or Net­work…

  • With first generation tech, is it better to wait?

    Later this week the much bal­ly­hooed (yes, I’ve been want­ing to use that word in a post for a long time!) Apple iPad will make an appear­ance in the hands of an ‘Early Adop­ter’ near you. And, after tak­ing a look at the cool new tech, you may con­sider acquir­ing one of your own. …more…

  • Monthly Backups: Have you started yours?

    Before I start, a friendly remind­er that you only have 2.5 days left to enter the con­test for a free Click­free Trans­former backup sys­tem. Tell me a backup hor­ror story. One thing I like to do is, at the end of every month, veri­fy that I’ve got a full backup of what I like to call…

  • This is the week that was

    On the cusp of the iPad launch, you can bet there would be a lot of news and rumors about the upcom­ing launch. So, yes, I’ve touched (sorry) on it, but there was a bit of oth­er news hap­pen­ing this week too… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on…

  • Want 3DTV? Get HDMI 1.4!

    One thing that’s not so obvi­ous when you’re look­ing at buy­ing a 3DTV is that some of the back­ground tech has been enhanced too, not just your TV screen. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • The screen is just one piece of the puzzle in 3DTV

    3DTV is a new TV tech­no­logy that’s being embed­ded in today’s flat-screen TV sys­tems. But a 3D cap­able TV is only one piece of the tech puzzle you need to exper­i­ence 3D. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • 3D will be in the next TV you buy

    If you’re out look­ing for a new TV, you’ll have seen bro­chures, ads and video hyp­ing 3DTV. All the major man­u­fac­tur­ers have developed, or are devel­op­ing 3DTV screens, and there’s no indic­a­tion that they’re going to be drop­ping 3D from their product lineup any­time soon. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my…

  • Living in a house of sand?

    Earli­er today I read an excel­lent essay by Umair Haque titled The Social Media Bubble, hos­ted on the Har­vard Busi­ness Review blog. Quite simply, the essay, (the first part of two, it seems) pos­its: “Des­pite all the excite­ment sur­round­ing social media, the Inter­net isn’t con­nect­ing us as much as we think it is. It’s largely…

  • A little bit about 3D TV Glasses

    A couple of weeks ago I had the good for­tune to be invited to take an exclus­ive look at a bunch of new Sam­sung tech that Future Shop will be rolling out over the next few weeks and months. Of course, the big buzz at the winter Con­sumer Elec­tron­ics Show was 3D, so that’s what…

  • This is the week that was

    Quite a diverse bit of news this week, as Twit­ter will soon be @Anywhere, Palm — per­haps nowhere, and soon, iPad every­where! …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.

  • Journalism and Big Media challenges for the future

    Last night I happened to catch the CBC Radio pro­gram Ideas. They were play­ing the 2009 Dalton Camp Lec­ture in Journ­al­ism delivered by ex CBC Journ­al­ist and cur­rent Wiki­me­dia Exec­ut­ive Dir­ect­or Sue Gardner. After a bit of an intro­duc­tion, she gets to the real meat of the mat­ter — how the busi­ness mod­els are work­ing…