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I didn’t know iTunes could do that

When I received my first iPod a few years back, I cursed Apple. iTunes did­n’t work as I expec­ted, it kept want­ing to ‘fix’ my lib­rary by rearran­ging my care­fully craf­ted file struc­ture, and essen­tial fea­tures were either miss­ing or I could­n’t find them. At that time, in my mind, iTunes was broken, and one…

When I received my first iPod a few years back, I cursed Apple. iTunes did­n’t work as I expec­ted, it kept want­ing to ‘fix’ my lib­rary by rearran­ging my care­fully craf­ted file struc­ture, and essen­tial fea­tures were either miss­ing or I could­n’t find them. At that time, in my mind, iTunes was broken, and one of the worst pieces of media man­aging soft­ware on the plan­et. I came from a PC back­ground and could­n’t under­stand how Apple could­n’t simply take a look at Win­amp and ‘do the Apple thing’ to it. I was not pleased. …more

This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here.






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