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A first quick look at Google Wave

In one word, inter­est­ing.  To quote from the Google Wave team: A “wave” is equal parts con­ver­sa­tion and doc­u­ment, where people can com­mu­nic­ate and work togeth­er with richly format­ted text, pho­tos, videos, maps, and more. But what’s not said, is that it’s a col­lab­or­at­ive envir­on­ment. In oth­er words, without a group to com­mu­nic­ate with, Google Wave…

In one word, inter­est­ing.  To quote from the Google Wave team:

A “wave” is equal parts con­ver­sa­tion and doc­u­ment, where people can com­mu­nic­ate and work togeth­er with richly format­ted text, pho­tos, videos, maps, and more.

But what’s not said, is that it’s a col­lab­or­at­ive envir­on­ment. In oth­er words, without a group to com­mu­nic­ate with, Google Wave is nothing.

I’ve just star­ted explor­ing the inner work­ings of Google Wave, and will likely have more to write about it in future. But in the mean­time, check out these two per­spect­ives I tweeted about earlier:

And a final note, Twit­ter trolls are har­vest­ing Fol­low­ers by ask­ing folk to Fol­low and ReTweet their offer­ing of Google Wave invites. Don’t bite.

And sorry, I have no invites either.


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