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Month: October 2009

  • Boo!

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. via We went to the Roy­al…

  • Apple’s Tablet Apps Will Live and Die by One Nerdy Thing

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. Some days I miss my Apple New­ton…

  • Google launches Android app, trashes competitor’s stock value

    Well it looks like the hon­ey­moon is over for port­able nav­ig­a­tion sys­tem makers — Google jumps into their pond. All the tech blogs are rav­ing today about Google’s new GPS applic­a­tion for Android based phones called Google Maps Nav­ig­a­tion. My good friend Fre­der­ic Lardinois over at Read­WriteWeb calls it the first killer app for Android 2.0:…

  • Too much stuff

    Over the next few days I’m going to test a new blog post­ing pro­cess. If you’ve been here recently you’ll have noticed that excerpts of my work at the Future Shop Techb­log are being pulled in and pos­ted as they appear on the Techb­log. Which is a cool way for me to keep my work…

  • Coming soon to a YouTube near you — Assassin’s Creed: Lineage

    Today, the developer/publisher has deb­uted the first of three Assas­sin’s Creed: Lin­eage short films on You­Tube (click here) that expand the fic­tion even fur­ther.  They reveal the char­ac­ters and events that lead up to Assas­sin’s Creed II — primar­ily involving the fath­er of the game’s prot­ag­on­ist, Ezio, dur­ing the Itali­an Renais­sance period. via I…

  • I didn’t know iTunes could do that

    When I received my first iPod a few years back, I cursed Apple. iTunes did­n’t work as I expec­ted, it kept want­ing to ‘fix’ my lib­rary by rearran­ging my care­fully craf­ted file struc­ture, and essen­tial fea­tures were either miss­ing or I could­n’t find them. At that time, in my mind, iTunes was broken, and one…

  • Old tech — what to do when it’s no longer needed

    Usu­ally I like to write about new and excit­ing tech­no­logy and tech devel­op­ments. But there’s anoth­er side to that coin — old tech that you’re repla­cing with the coolest new thing. Usu­ally it sits in a closet, under a bed, col­lect­ing dust. Someday, some how, you dis­pose of it, but how? …more This post is…

  • This is the week that was…

    New. That was the word of the week. Along with hype. There was the odd deal that had the search engine boys in a Twit­ter, but when all was said and done, even Face­book jumped on the band­wag­on after the facelift. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the…

  • How to make your WordPress blog mobile friendly

    Earli­er this week (the free blog host­ing site) announced that they’re includ­ing two new mobile friendly tem­plates in their offer­ing. This is abso­lutely awe­some. I say this from the per­spect­ive of a iPod Touch own­er who often surfs blogs on the device. The more mobile friendly web­sites get, the more people will be able…

  • Watching TV. It’s not as easy as it used to be

    These days I rarely watch ‘live’ TV. Once upon a time, you planted your butt on the couch and grabbed the remote. Done, TV was being watched. That was then, this is now. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post…

  • Strap on your broadsword, winter’s coming

    As I get ready to hunker down for the Cana­dian winter, I look for good online games to play with my friends to tide us through the dark cold. If it’s free, gen­er­ally I’ll check it out. And if it’s a free Massively Mul­ti­play­er Online Role Play­ing Game (MMORPG) I’ll def­in­itely check it out. Which…

  • Essential things to do before upgrading to Windows 7

    Win­dows 7 is on its way so I thought I’d doc­u­ment some steps to take to pre­pare for a Win­dows 7 upgrade. Depend­ing on the state of your cur­rent com­puter and the ver­sion of Win­dows you’re cur­rently run­ning, your Win­dows 7 upgrade could con­sist of: in-place upgrade over top of your exist­ing OS (Only sup­por­ted for…