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So that’s what ‑32c looks like in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

My daily drive to work takes me along Saskat­chewan Drive in Edmon­ton. Depend­ing on the time of day, it’s usu­ally either dark or in full sun. Today, was dif­fer­ent. The tem­per­at­ure was ‑32 Celsi­us, some­what unusu­al for March. As well, the sun was about 40 minutes above the hori­zon, so the light was interesting. And, since I…

My daily drive to work takes me along Saskat­chewan Drive in Edmon­ton. Depend­ing on the time of day, it’s usu­ally either dark or in full sun.

Today, was dif­fer­ent. The tem­per­at­ure was ‑32 Celsi­us, some­what unusu­al for March. As well, the sun was about 40 minutes above the hori­zon, so the light was interesting.

And, since I had my cam­era with me, I’d have been remiss if I had­n’t stopped to see if there was an image or two worth capturing.

I’ll post the full set soon, but thought this one image would be a great start.







One response to “So that’s what ‑32c looks like in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada”

  1. tturbo (Tess Gleason) Avatar

    Twit­ter Comment

    Hawaii any­one? RT: @bgrier: Blog: Fricken’ cold — Photo — So that’s what ‑32c looks like in Edmon­ton, Alberta [link to post]

    — Pos­ted using Chat Catcher 

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