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Month: March 2009

  • Best music player ever. Songbird 1.1.1 now with watched folders.

    I’ve writ­ten before about Song­bird, the free, open-source music play­er based on the Moz­illa / Fire­Fox platform. Basic­ally Song­bird rocks. Well, now there’s extra-new-and-improved Song­bird good­ness as the update was released this even­ing, with the one sig­ni­fic­ant fea­ture it’s been lack­ing up ’till now — the ‘Watched Folder’ feature. To quote from the song­bird release email:…

  • Reasons why I unfollow someone on Twitter

    Recently I had a great dis­cus­sion on Twit­ter about Unfollowing…a much dis­cussed top­ic of etiquette amongst the Twitterati. One school of thought is that when someone fol­lows you on Twit­ter, it’s prop­er for you to fol­low them back. That’s not my belief though. If that were the case, then it would be impossible for me to…

  • So that’s what ‑32c looks like in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    My daily drive to work takes me along Saskat­chewan Drive in Edmon­ton. Depend­ing on the time of day, it’s usu­ally either dark or in full sun. Today, was dif­fer­ent. The tem­per­at­ure was ‑32 Celsi­us, some­what unusu­al for March. As well, the sun was about 40 minutes above the hori­zon, so the light was interesting. And, since I…

  • The reasons why people follow me on Twitter

    In the pre­vi­ous post, I star­ted to answer the ques­tion “Why people fol­low me on Twit­ter.” I went through some back­ground, reviewed my tweet his­tory, and wrote a bit about my exper­i­ence using Twit­ter­’s Dir­ect Mes­sage (DM) to ask the question. This fol­low-on post gets into the actu­al reas­ons and numbers. Over the three months…