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Month: February 2009

  • Wondering why people follow me on Twitter?

    About 6 months ago I got curi­ous as to why people were fol­low­ing me on Twit­ter. Basic­ally I asked them… and then found out some rather inter­est­ing things, both about why they were fol­low­ing me and also about the evolving etiquette around Twit­ter interactions. This has turned into a two-part post. Ini­tially I was going…

  • A few Twitter tips for TV media

    Recently I had the oppor­tun­ity to help intro­duce a loc­al TV news anchor to the rather con­vo­luted world of Twit­ter, via Twit­ter. That ses­sion gave me pause to think about what the TV news media really knows about this new media and its denizens. So, to save repeat­ing myself, and per­haps help a few oth­er…

  • Organized: A great thing to be when guest editing at someone else’ blog

    Last week I had the hon­our of cur­at­ing One Degree’s Week in Review. My con­tri­bu­tion: Melt­downs, Mon­it­izaton and Monks. The week in review: Fri­day the 13th edi­tion, Feb­ru­ary 2009 Quick back­ground: is one of Canada’s lead­ing online pub­lic­a­tions about digit­al mar­ket­ing, online com­mu­nic­a­tions and social media — penned by some of Canada’s most insight­ful and…

  • From the archives: April 1, 2003 — Networking — what’s it all about…

    I’ve decided to take a look back at some of the con­tent I’d pub­lished pre­vi­ously. This ran­dom, ongo­ing ‘fea­ture’ titled From the archives will let me review older posts, and maybe add new insight that only the dis­tance of time can provide. Today’s inaug­ur­al item is par­tic­u­larly timely as we head into a reces­sion with…

  • Cosmetically tweaking the laptop

    Did you notice how laptops and net­books are quickly becom­ing fash­ion accessor­ies? Rather than tot­ing around the dull black or obsidi­an tab­let, folk are car­ry­ing around cus­tom­ized art­work, pimped and detailed to the point that the lowly laptop rivals any­thing Chip Foose would do to a clas­sic Chevy. Heck, someone even laser-etched all the levels…

  • Camera on a sushi train: Very Zen

    lost in a moment from den­nis wheat­ley on Vimeo.