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The things you see outside a Mens club

I caught this shot as we were driv­ing by Dia­mond’s in Edmon­ton. Snap­shot was heav­ily col­our cor­rec­ted as the shot was totally over-exposed.

I caught this shot as we were driv­ing by Dia­mond’s in Edmon­ton. Snap­shot was heav­ily col­our cor­rec­ted as the shot was totally over-exposed.






3 responses to “The things you see outside a Mens club”

  1. Edward Pollard Avatar

    I’ve been mean­ing to snag a shot of this for some time. We cur­rently rent right across from there and con­stantly muse what the story behind this is.

  2. bgrier Avatar

    @Edward Pol­lard — Indeed! I drove by it for a week and ‘meant’ to get a shot…but did­n’t until my wife was driv­ing. Then it was­n’t the best.

    But yeah, I do won­der what the story was behind that one. Inter­est­ing no doubt…

  3. Matt Avatar

    I worked as the Oper­a­tions Man­ager for a reas­on­able fam­ous club for 5 years and many man­agers in the busi­ness are known for their “dirt­bag” ways so my guess is he finally got fired and a cel­eb­ra­tion has ensued. Bet you 5 lap dances and a extremely over­priced cheap bottle of cham­pagne that is what happened here.

    Matts last blog post..Cheap Dis­count Stor­age Baskets

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