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More cool sites from the Blogging Pack

photo cred­it: Brett L. It’s been a busy week, but I’ve always made time to vis­it some sites (and Digg/Stumble posts) with­in the Blog­ging Pack, which I describe in pre­vi­ous post. Only two sites pro­filed today…but they’re chock full of bloggy-good­ness. Enjoy. Remark­ab­log­ger - Remark­able Blog Con­sult­ing and Coach­ing. An inter­est­ing fol­low on Twit­ter, and even…

Oh no, here come the Bloggers
Creative Commons License photo cred­it: Brett L.

It’s been a busy week, but I’ve always made time to vis­it some sites (and Digg/Stumble posts) with­in the Blog­ging Pack, which I describe in pre­vi­ous post. Only two sites pro­filed today…but they’re chock full of bloggy-good­ness. Enjoy.

  • Remark­ab­log­ger - Remark­able Blog Con­sult­ing and Coach­ing. An inter­est­ing fol­low on Twit­ter, and even bet­ter to read via RSS. Well worth your time if you’re inter­ested in tak­ing blog­ging to the next level.
  • Men with Pens ‑Web Busi­ness Tips for Writers, Freel­an­cers, and Online Entre­pren­eurs. Anoth­er good read if you’re want­ing to refine and devel­op your writ­ing skills. I’m not a fan of the 3 column lay­out (the con­tent column is just too small), but read­ing through your favour­ite RSS read­er will fix that 🙂 And they’re Cana­dian too, ‘eh!



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