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Month: May 2008

  • Canadian weather station on Mars brings you daily weather updates

    One of the ‘cool­er’ pieces of sci­ence being done on Mars by NAS­A’s Phoenix lander is the study of Mar­tian weath­er pat­terns, cour­tesy of a ‘built-in-Canada’ weath­er sta­tion. A daily spinoff of this is the daily Mar­tian weath­er report. Due to a com­mu­nic­a­tions glitch, the report­ing should begin tomorrow. On a loc­al note, the Cana­dian…

  • Use Web 2.0 tools to save time and be more productive

    photo cred­it: ASur­roca For a while I’ve been using a few Web 2.0 applic­a­tions that, on their own, are great, but when when partnered with oth­er Web 2.0 apps, become super­star effi­ciency optimizers. The applic­a­tions Con­sider Jott, IWant­Sandy, and Twit­ter. Jott is a voice to text applic­a­tion. You call a free num­ber, say your mes­sage,…

  • Things I learned moving my blog to a new hosting service (it’s easy!)

    Over the last few weeks you’ll may have noticed that I’ve been writ­ing and twit­ter­ing about mov­ing my blog from the .net domain to .com. A few years ago I man­aged to grab when it came open, but I’d not decided what to do with it until recently. I’d been hav­ing some per­form­ance issues…

  • We’re down, baby, we’re down!

    I’ve been a fol­low­er of NAS­A’s mars mis­sions for a few years now. The Pathfind­er Mis­sion and the cute Sojourn­er were my intro­duc­tion to robot­ic explor­a­tion of Mars. Well, today marks anoth­er mile­stone with the suc­cess­ful con­tinu­ation of the Phoenix Mars Lander mis­sion. NASA suc­cess­fully landed anoth­er probe on Mars, this time using a powered rocked…

  • Did you Get Things Done? Measuring productivity with RescueTime.

    Last time I men­tioned this great little Two Minute timer to help you man­age your GTD Processing. Well, that’s great for when you’re actu­ally hard at work and try­ing to be pro­duct­ive, but what about after­wards — when you want to know just what you spent your time doing (or not doing!). Do you trust your…

  • On time management and GTD

    photo cred­it: jazz­mas­ter­son Lately I’ve been work­ing with a few tools that help me stream­line my vari­ous tasks and work­flows. Over the next few posts, I’ll dive into them and my reas­ons for using them. First off, the Two Minute Timer. If you’ve been been under a rock for the last few years then this ref­er­ence…

  • Blogging at the Edmonton Public Library

    A week and a bit ago the Edmon­ton Pub­lic Lib­rary launched a vari­ety of blogs. EPL does­n’t appear to use a stand­ard blog­ging tool (Word­Press, Type­Pad, etc) but rather chose to devel­op their own platform. On the top­ic of blogs top­ics, the blogs included are rather diverse, from Abori­gin­al Peoples, Com­ics, Manga, and Graph­ic Nov­els,…

  • Engaging in ‘high risk’ activity — moving my blog

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and move my blog to a more tra­di­tion­al .com domain type (rather than the .net that I cur­rently use). I’m going to keep the .net domain for more eso­ter­ic things, private devel­op­ment serv­er, etc. If you’re read­ing this on the old blog (, then please jump over to the new…

  • Engaging in ‘high risk’ activity — moving my blog

    I’ve decided to take the plunge and move my blog to a more tra­di­tion­al .com domain type (rather than the .net that I cur­rently use). I’m going to keep the .net domain for more eso­ter­ic things, private devel­op­ment serv­er, etc. If you’re read­ing this on the old blog (, then please jump over to the new…

  • From the ‘so simple why didn’t I think of it’ category

    A friend of mine poin­ted me to this bril­liant post (via iPhone Cent­ral) The concept is simple; Scan the front and back of all your bar­coded mem­ber­ship cards, and carry them around in your iPhone. To test it out I went to the loc­al hard­ware store and asked the girl behind the counter if she could…