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Online Photo Albums made easy — Video

Once again the video wiz­ards at Com­mon Craft make the com­plex seem easy. Online Photo Shar­ing in Plain Eng­lish is simply that. Well done, and Enjoy! And as you can tell by the little wid­get in the right hand column, I’m a flick­er user 🙂 [youtube=] Tech­nor­ati Tags: Video, Pho­to­graphy, Online, Backup, Tools, Shar­ing, Social…

Once again the video wiz­ards at Com­mon Craft make the com­plex seem easy. Online Photo Shar­ing in Plain Eng­lish is simply that. Well done, and Enjoy! And as you can tell by the little wid­get in the right hand column, I’m a flick­er user 🙂


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3 responses to “Online Photo Albums made easy — Video”

  1. Drew Avatar

    Flickr res­izes all your images though, doesn’t it? I like being able to back up my large sized images. Do you know of any sites that allow that?

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Drew,

    I believe that Flickr only res­izes images in the free accounts. If you upgrade to the Pro account, your images are stored full size (though I can­’t veri­fy that right now).

  3. Brad Grier Avatar

    Yep, just checked it. Flickr Pro retains a copy of your Ori­gin­al file. Though I’ve only been upload­ing the .jpg ver­sion, I’m now shoot­ing in RAW…so now to check to see if Flickr will take RAW 🙂

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