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Leopard’s teething troubles

The Mac Mini woes con­tin­ue. We’d recently taken advant­age of Apple’s UpToD­ate pro­gram to order OSX Leo­pard. It arrived last week, and install­a­tion ensured. And it looked great once it was com­plete! But, the kick­er was, it would­n’t recog­nize our Win­dows shares, or NFS shares, or Samba shares. Seems this is a known issue so,…

The Mac Mini woes con­tin­ue. We’d recently taken advant­age of Apple’s UpToD­ate pro­gram to order OSX Leo­pard. It arrived last week, and install­a­tion ensured.

And it looked great once it was com­plete! But, the kick­er was, it would­n’t recog­nize our Win­dows shares, or NFS shares, or Samba shares. Seems this is a known issue so, off went Leo­pard, back on went Tiger.

We’re happy again, and won’t install Leo­pard until many of the issues are dealt with. And speak­ing of issues, there’s a cross-plat­form issues page at, and an excel­lent list of Leo­pard 3rd party issues pos­ted over at BioNeural.Net:

[X] Google Earth 4.0
[X] Par­al­lels Desktop 2.5 (free update announced)
[X] Skype (beta)

The full list is here.






3 responses to “Leopard’s teething troubles”

  1. Junelle Avatar

    My friend has heard about the troubles before she could trans­fer to Leo­pard. She was glad she has­n’t. She’s lov­ing her tiger 🙂

    I am still wait­ing for my mac­book … I have been excited about it since last month.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hi Jun­elle,
    Thanks for the com­ment! Yeah, my wife and I were really not impressed that Leo­pard really could­n’t find our stuff. Sure, we run mostly Win­dows based machines, but my main file and print serv­er is a Ubuntu (Linux) machine, which ‘any­thing’ should be able to find.

    Ah well, we’ll wait for the next revi­sion and see if that’s bet­ter. In the mean­time, Christ­mas is com­ing, and there will be little time for toy­ing with a recal­cit­rant oper­at­ing system 🙂

  3. Ranger Bob Avatar


    SP3 for Winders (Release Can­did­ate 1) was announced today, and I found some­thing to delay buy­ing a Mac. Win­dows Vista theme for XP.. without the bloatware.

    More on my web­site here:

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