Month: November 2007

  • Leopard’s teething troubles

    The Mac Mini woes con­tin­ue. We’d recently taken advant­age of Apple’s UpToD­ate pro­gram to order OSX Leo­pard. It arrived last week, and install­a­tion ensured. And it looked great once it was com­plete! But, the kick­er was, it would­n’t recog­nize our Win­dows shares, or NFS shares, or Samba shares. Seems this is a known issue so,…

  • Earthrise on the desktop — an Apollo 8 image

    Today I was feel­ing the need to update my desktop, and decided to look around for a 1280×1024 ver­sion of Earth­rise. I could­n’t quickly find one…so I did the next best thing, grabbed this 2400×2400 ver­sion from NASA and cropped it. Feel free to grab my (1024×768) ver­sion here. ** Update Feb 17, 2008 ** Since I’ve…