Month: September 2007

  • Canadians save more money ordering books through

    image cour­tesy cote In Canada, books are sold at retail with two, or maybe even three prices prin­ted on the cov­er; US and Cana­dian. Often the Cana­dian price is up to 20% higher. In today’s eco­nom­ic world, the US dol­lar is almost on par with the Cana­dian dol­lar, so this pri­cing mod­el is, from the…

  • Apple iPhone and iPod Touch viewers needed

    I’ve just installed the iPhone and iPod Touch com­pat­ible theme/plugin for Word­Press (iWPhone) by Content.Robot, and have no way of test­ing it. There’s a Safari iPhone browser emu­lat­or avail­able if you’re run­ning a mac, but alas, I’m a PC guy. So, hence this call for test­ers; Is any­one out there able to hit this site and…

  • wiPod: the next big thing?

     If you man­aged to catch the news today, the twit­ter-sphere was abuzz with it, Apple is freshen­ing its product line in pre­par­a­tion for this upcom­ing hol­i­day sales season.   As vari­ous pun­dits both at the Apple event and mon­it­or­ing it remotely twittered away, it seemed that Steve Jobs was at his best, once again, in front…

  • Billions and billions.…

    Blog Action Day pro­poses to bring all the power and energy of the blo­go­sphere togeth­er on one day, to focus on one top­ic; the environment. On Octo­ber 15th, blog­gers around the web will unite to put a single import­ant issue on everyone’s mind — the envir­on­ment. Every blog­ger will post about the envir­on­ment in their…

  • New Flight Simulator on the block…inside Google Earth?

    Yep, late last week the boffins at Google updated Google Earth. The flag­ship fea­ture was the addi­tion of Google Sky, an astro­nomy map­ping feature. Also included was a little-known Flight Sim­u­lat­or. Very cool! While not tech­nic­ally on par with Flight Sim­u­lat­or X as far as actu­al sim­u­la­tion, the coolest fea­ture is the use of Google’s satel­lite…