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Occasionally, everyone needs one…

I was Stum­bling this even­ing and the site appeared. I’d kinda heard of this previously…and hey, it was men­tioned on Oprah, so it must be import­ant right? Regard­less. With a com­bin­a­tion of online tools provided by Flickr and BigHugeLabs, I man­aged to cre­ate this lovely, inspir­a­tion­al image of one of my mini Daschunds, Heloise. Hug…

I was Stum­bling this even­ing and the site appeared. I’d kinda heard of this previously…and hey, it was men­tioned on Oprah, so it must be import­ant right?

Regard­less. With a com­bin­a­tion of online tools provided by Flickr and BigHugeLabs, I man­aged to cre­ate this lovely, inspir­a­tion­al image of one of my mini Daschunds, Heloise. Hug fod­der anyone?

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