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Pownce just doesn’t do it for me

Maybe I’m a doof, but Pownce just isn’t ringing my bell.  Sure, it’s a cool social media applic­a­tion. It allows file shar­ing, net­work­ing, link shar­ing, and event coördin­a­tion, but it might be just too late for me. I’ve already estab­lished a pro­file on Twit­ter and Jaiku. I marry them togeth­er through the magic of RSS and a…

Maybe I’m a doof, but Pownce just isn’t ringing my bell. 

Sure, it’s a cool social media applic­a­tion. It allows file shar­ing, net­work­ing, link shar­ing, and event coördin­a­tion, but it might be just too late for me.

I’ve already estab­lished a pro­file on Twit­ter and Jaiku. I marry them togeth­er through the magic of RSS and a handy little online applic­a­tion called TwitKu: I enter my ‘tweet’ once, in a single win­dow, and it’s sent to both networks…a very sweet tweet 😉

Pownce does­n’t have any­thing like that. Pownce just does­n’t show me a stream of all my friends, unlike Twit­ter and Jaiku. Sure, I could take all my Pownce friends and manu­ally add them to a Feed­blendr (hey, where did that ‘e’ go?) feed, but every time I added a new Pownce friend, I’d have to update my Feed­blendr feed. Too much work.

So, for now, my Pownce account is see­ing little usage. I do have a few Pownce invites for any­one who wants to take it for a spin…but if you really want to par­take in my ‘lifestream’, then check out my Twit­ter or my Jaiku feeds.






6 responses to “Pownce just doesn’t do it for me”

  1. Adam Snider Avatar

    I tend to agree with you about Pownce, Brad. I received an invite, and setup an account, but I don’t really “get” it. Maybe it’s because I already use Twit­ter, but Pownce does­n’t seem to be any­thing spe­cial, to me. Besides, everything I can do with Pownce (send­ing files, com­mu­nic­at­ing, etc.), I can already do with good ol’ fash­ioned email.

    BTW: Are you at all involved in the art scene in Edmon­ton? You look very famil­i­ar, but I know we’ve nev­er met, so I’m not sure why I recog­nize your face.

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey Adam,

    Thanks for your com­ment. I too am pretty embed­ded in a num­ber of exist­ing tech­no­lo­gies that Pownce replicates…and am not about to drop them and move all my con­tacts to the ‘next big thing’.

    What we really need is a uni­ver­sal pro­file man­ager, some­thing that keeps all our info cent­ral­ized, that we can just ‘apply’ to whatever applic­a­tion we want.

    …and that is the holy grail of social media apps. 🙂

    re: arts scene…not really. I spent some time at BioWare, and United Way, and before that was with ITV/Global TV doing tech stuff…so it’s pos­sible our paths have crossed. For more detail, check out my Linked­In profile…feel free to add me if you’re on LinkedIn…networking has its advantages.

  3. Adam Snider Avatar

    A uni­ver­sal pro­file man­ager would be great, and it’s some­thing that a lot of people are talk­ing about (although, to my know­ledge, it’s a lot of talk and not a lot of action at this point in time). Hope­fully, someone will build an applic­a­tion that can do this in the near future.

  4. Brad Grier Avatar

    Yeah, a good uni­ver­sal pro­file man­ager would cer­tainly save time for users, and likely applic­a­tion developers too.

    I think Open­ID is com­ing close. Now, if there was a way to tie an Open­ID ID, with ‘Your­Fa­vour­ite­Con­tact­L­ist­Man­ager’ app, and allow the two to com­mu­nic­ate with authen­tic­a­tion to oth­er applic­a­tions, then there would be a great system.

  5. Adam Snider Avatar

    Off top­ic, but, I think I know where I recog­nized you from. I see on your Linked­In pro­file that you freel­ance for a lot of news­pa­pers. Have you ever had a head­shot for any of your art­icles? I think that might be why your face looked famil­i­ar to me, des­pite hav­ing nev­er met in person.

  6. Brad Grier Avatar

    Heh, could be. I’m not sure if a head­shot was used or not.

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