Maybe I’m a doof, but Pownce just isn’t ringing my bell.
Sure, it’s a cool social media application. It allows file sharing, networking, link sharing, and event coördination, but it might be just too late for me.
I’ve already established a profile on Twitter and Jaiku. I marry them together through the magic of RSS and a handy little online application called TwitKu: I enter my ‘tweet’ once, in a single window, and it’s sent to both networks…a very sweet tweet 😉
Pownce doesn’t have anything like that. Pownce just doesn’t show me a stream of all my friends, unlike Twitter and Jaiku. Sure, I could take all my Pownce friends and manually add them to a Feedblendr (hey, where did that ‘e’ go?) feed, but every time I added a new Pownce friend, I’d have to update my Feedblendr feed. Too much work.
So, for now, my Pownce account is seeing little usage. I do have a few Pownce invites for anyone who wants to take it for a spin…but if you really want to partake in my ‘lifestream’, then check out my Twitter or my Jaiku feeds.
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