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Kinda offline. ‘Vacation’ and kitchen demolition

I was hop­ing I’d have more time to post reg­u­larly dur­ing my vaca­tion, but sadly, that’s not prov­ing to be the case. We’re in the midst of kit­chen demoli­tion for this and next week, in pre­par­a­tion for a new one to be installed in July. It is inter­est­ing, as we are kinda camp­ing. All our food is…

I was hop­ing I’d have more time to post reg­u­larly dur­ing my vaca­tion, but sadly, that’s not prov­ing to be the case.

We’re in the midst of kit­chen demoli­tion for this and next week, in pre­par­a­tion for a new one to be installed in July.

It is inter­est­ing, as we are kinda camp­ing. All our food is in con­tain­ers, we hike upstairs to the fridge, we are BBQing more. Wash­ing dishes (no dishwasher) 🙂

Any­way, you’ll see stuff when I can get to it, and yeah, I’ll have before and after photos.






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