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Is this what the web is coming to?

This is an abso­lutely amaz­ing demo of Pho­to­synth. Now this is the way inform­a­tion was meant to be presen­ted. Run, don’t walk to the Pho­to­synth web­site and install the Fire­fox plu­gin. Then write off the rest of your day. It’s a truly amaz­ing way to view photo col­lec­tions and inform­a­tion. Worth invest­ing some time explor­ing. Then…

This is an abso­lutely amaz­ing demo of Pho­to­synth. Now this is the way inform­a­tion was meant to be presen­ted. Run, don’t walk to the Pho­to­synth web­site and install the Fire­fox plu­gin. Then write off the rest of your day.

It’s a truly amaz­ing way to view photo col­lec­tions and inform­a­tion. Worth invest­ing some time explor­ing. Then browse the Pho­to­synth blog.

Pho­to­synth takes a large col­lec­tion of pho­tos of a place or object, ana­lyzes them for sim­il­ar­it­ies, and dis­plays them in a recon­struc­ted 3‑Dimensional space. With Pho­to­synth you can: 

  • walk or fly through a scene to see pho­tos from any angle; 
  • seam­lessly zoom in or out of a pho­to­graph even if it’s gigapixels in size; 
  • see where pic­tures were taken in rela­tion to one another; 
  • find sim­il­ar pho­tos to the one you’re cur­rently viewing; 
  • explore a cus­tom tour or see where you’ve been; or 
  • send a col­lec­tion to a friend.






4 responses to “Is this what the web is coming to?”

  1. Ranger Bob Avatar

    Nice find! I am installing it now… impress­ive video demo! WOW! Now I know why you got a Ter­ra­byte drive now? How much? Which model?

  2. Brad Grier Avatar

    Yeah, when I saw that demo I killed off the morn­ing play­ing with it.

    Heh, the Drive is a West­ern Digit­al My Book World II (weird name). Costco is stock­ing them now. I think I paid $400 for it. Enclos­ure. Firewire. Gig­abit Eth­er­net. USB port. It’s a NAS device 🙂 Dual 500gb SATA drives. Can be con­figured for RAID 1, which we’re doing for photo stor­age etc.

    Though it’s in an enclos­ure, it can be noisy. I may mod it to put in a quieter fan if it annoys me. Cur­rently, it’s in a closet.

  3. […] just has to be to invest in a Ter­ra­byte drive like Brad Gri­er did! Oh yeah, speak­ing of Cool Stuff check out his blog entry here about some new soft­ware called Pho­to­Synth. Indeed, the Inter­net is chan­ging… day by […]

  4. AxioS Avatar

    Heh… this post is 1.5 years od, and I nev­er saw this video! It’s really great!

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