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Tag: synth

  • Apple vs the App Developers

    Pre­vi­ously I’d writ­ten about the impend­ing launch of Gar­age Band for iPad, and men­tioned how Apple’s release of this app will chal­lenge smal­ler inde­pend­ent app developers in the music cre­ation space. Today’ I’m at it again. With yes­ter­day’s release of iOS 4.3, it seems that Apple has again taken a bite out of a developer­’s rev­en­ue…

  • Totally Rockin’ Tubular Bells [Video]

    From the 1981 Montreux Jazz Fest­iv­al. A very cool ver­sion of Tubu­lar Bells that I’d missed until recently. Well worth a listen… Via Syn­thto­pia

  • Boppin’ with the BeBot!

    iPad music and synth apps all seem to be try­ing to exactly rep­lic­ate the exper­i­ence of using a real syn­thes­izer or instru­ment, like Vir­tu­oso Piano 3 . Recently I dis­covered BeBot, an iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad music app that breaks that stereotype. Accord­ing to the developer, BeBot is: …Part syn­thes­izer, part anim­ated robot. Touch­ing the screen causes the robot to…

  • iPad synth app takes on Tron: Legacy tune [video]

    Daft Punk’s track Derezzed as per­formed by the cool KORG iMS-20 app on the iPad. Show’s the power of these little pads: