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Tag: streaming audio

  • Colour me impressed — using iTunes to stream music to multiple devices simultaneously

    Back in 2006 as part of a post on a new iPod Nano, I ven­ted on how broken iTunes was for my work­flow. Well, time has passed and iTunes has improved, but it’s still not as intu­it­ive or simple for me and my cent­ral­ized music setup: File serv­er stor­ing my music Remote play­back sys­tems in vari­ous rooms…

  • eRadio? It’s coming.

    By now you’re pretty tired read­ing all the ‘2010 is the year of the eBook’ art­icles out there. But what about eRa­dio? It’s more pre­val­ent but do you even know what it is? …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post…