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Tag: sharing

  • How-To: Streaming stuff around your house

    In this increas­ingly wire­less world, it seems odd that it’s actu­ally kinda dif­fi­cult to get music or oth­er media from one device to another. In my case, I have pho­tos, movies and music all stored on a cent­ral stor­age device on my net­work — a Net­work Attached Stor­age device, or NAS. Get­ting to that media eas­ily…

  • Hardware helps information be free

    Inform­a­tion wants to be free, an inter­est­ing phrase sum­ming up the concept that tech­no­logy has the poten­tial to be lib­er­at­ing, rather than oppress­ing. It was first used in the 1960’s and attrib­uted to the founder of the Whole Earth Cata­log. Today, that phrase is often used to sup­port open file shar­ing activ­it­ies. And recently I…

  • Grocery lists made easy — seriously.

    Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to. But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool. You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’. So…

  • How to find good music online with social media

    In a recent post over at the Future Shop Techb­log I star­ted talk­ing about vari­ous Inter­net Radio ‘sta­tions’. Today I real­ized I did­n’t talk about one of my ‘go-to’ online music sources It’s not your aver­age music service. is a hybrid social media site and music dis­cov­ery ser­vice, focused around the concept of…

  • I get a new label

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. Accord­ing to this art­icle on Mar­ket­ing­Daily, I’m…