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Tag: science

  • Get your Kerbal on! Update .18 released.

    The latest, and pos­sibly greatest, update to Kerbal Space Pro­gram has just been released, fea­tur­ing: * Dock­ing Con­nect­ing ves­sels togeth­er is now pos­sible! Build space sta­tions, sur­face bases, or assemble huge space­craft in orbit. * Flight Planning Get­ting to oth­er plan­ets and moons just got a lot sim­pler. Place man­euvers along your orbit to cre­ate a…

  • Canadarm: Today’s Google Doodle

    Very cool of the fine folks at Google to recog­nize the 31st anniversary of the Cana­darm’s use in space with today’s Google Doodle.

  • Viewing the Solar Eclipse from Edmonton this evening?

    There’s a great ‘sim­u­lated’ pre­view of what you can expect to see over at And do check out the awe­some resources that Dr. Phil Plait (@badastronomer) has cur­ated here: Eclipse fol­lowup part 2: tons o’ links on how to safely watch

  • Calling All Scientists — Google Science Fair Entry Deadline Looms

    Well there’s only 5 days left (as I write this) for stu­dents world-wide com­plete their exper­i­ments, write-up their sum­mar­ies, and cre­ate their sup­port­ing video (or slide present­a­tion) for entry into the Google Sci­ence Fair ( I’m really look­ing for­ward to see­ing the cre­ativ­ity shown in these entries — espe­cially any that relate to liv­ing in a…

  • My most anticipated game of 2011 [Video]

    I loved Portal. It was a chal­len­ging, enter­tain­ing and darkly humour­ous puzzle game in a First Per­son Shoot­er style. And later this month, Valve will release Portal 2. Yes, it’s more Fun, with Science! Basic­ally, you have a gun that cre­ates a port­able hole that is a gate­way to anoth­er port­able hole. The Blue-ringed hole is…

  • Turning science fiction into reality. How cool!

    A few years back my wife intro­duced me to an enter­tain­ing book called Earth­web; a sci­ence fic­tion nov­el set in the near future. The book intro­duced to me a couple of inter­est­ing con­cepts that are just being real­ized in our daily life today — the first is that of a social cur­rency or rat­ing sys­tem…