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Tag: Review

  • The well-equipped traveller is the ‘Envy’ of others

    Trav­el­ing with a laptop is always a bit of a chal­lenge, espe­cially if your flight exceeds 3 hours or so. That’s why I was rather inter­ested when I was offered the chance to check out the 15 inch HP Envy — espe­cially when I was allowed to take it on my recent vaca­tion to Hawaii. …more This…

  • Grocery lists made easy — seriously.

    Yes, look at that head­line. Gro­cery lists. In a tech blog. What’s this world com­ing to. But yet, if you bear with me for a moment, you’ll under­stand why this is cool. You see, if you throw an iPhone or iPod Touch into the mix, you’ll real­ize that ‘ah, maybe that Brad fel­low’s on to something’. So…

  • My wife stole an amazing iPod Touch case from me

    Yep, the oth­er day I got this cool iPod Touch case — cool because it’s one of the Pro­porta Alu-Leath­er line of cases that I first looked at when I needed a new case for my Palm T|X. That case, a little worn, is still rockin’ though. It’s about the case This nifty little hold­er is…

  • Mama’s got a Squeezebox

    When I was offered a chance to review the Logit­ech Squeeze­box Radio, I believe my exact response was ‘hell yeah!’, because this thing exem­pli­fies a geek gad­get. But wait, it looks like an appli­ance… …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full…

  • Amazing iPhone playlist generator thingie

    I suck at mak­ing playl­ists for my iPod touch. I simply can­’t be bothered — and yeah, I nev­er really got into mak­ing mix tapes back in the day either. Which is why I was pleas­antly sur­prised that I’m start­ing to really rock playl­ists, thanks to Mood­A­gent, a cool iPhone app I dis­covered using Chomp. Simply…

  • A tale of two coffee machines

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wis­dom, it was the age of fool­ish­ness… …and with that I’ll end my Dick­ensi­an pla­gi­ar­ism and get on with it, my exper­i­ence with two single cup cof­fee makers and the cof­fee they pro­duce. …more This post is an…

  • Space. The final frontier.

    Winter in Canada means cold winter nights — nights that, if you’re on the prair­ies, are usu­ally cold, crisp and clear. Which means per­fect even­ings for star­gaz­ing. But if you’re tem­per­at­ure chal­lenged, live on the ‘wet’ coast, or are loc­ated in much cloud­i­er environs, then per­haps these two astro­nomy soft­ware applic­a­tions can help. Bonus points…they’re…

  • On Books. Information objects of pulp, ink, leather and glue.

    Lately I’ve been test­ing, review­ing and think­ing about eBooks and eBook read­ers, which has got me to won­der­ing about the value of a ‘real’ book, the dead-tree kind. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop Techb­log. Check out the full post here. XJAQ4AZDSF5T

  • 7 nifty things about windows 7

    Win­dow 7 has been avail­able at retail for a couple of weeks now, so I thought I’d use this post to explore some of the cool­er fea­tures and func­tions, cool­er to me, at least 🙂 And, of course, when you select fea­tures to pro­file, a nice round num­ber is always a bonus… …more This post…

  • Going back in time with Windows 7

    Ever wish you could undo a par­tic­u­lar driver or applic­a­tion install­a­tion? I have, recently in fact when I installed Adobe CS3 on my wife’s Win­dows 7 /XP dual-boot com­puter. Some­thing happened in that install that pooched the Flash plu­gin for Inter­net Explorer. It could have been a bad scene, except for a cool little fea­ture…

  • Finally. The must-have app for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

    I’ve been in love with Drop­box for a while now, so much so I’m pro­mot­ing it in my adspace in my sidebar. Drop­box has made it much much easi­er to trans­fer files between com­puters. Sure, I could email them, but that’s not at all eleg­ant. All I do with Drop­box is copy a file to…

  • How to make a Polaroid from any digital image

    Even though Polar­oid instant cam­era and film packs are no longer being made by the Polar­oid Cor­por­a­tion, you can get that same look on your digit­al pho­tos with Once upon a time you had to manu­ally cre­ate these things in Adobe Pho­toshop or GIMP. Not any more. Basic­ally, Rol­lip takes your image and does some…