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Tag: Processing

  • Revisiting an old friend

    It’s a new year, so the slate is clean and there’s lots of new things to try. Or old things that dropped off the radar to revisit. In my case, it’s pho­to­graphy and image pro­cessing. I used to enjoy work­ing in a wet dark­room and watch­ing images mater­i­al­ize on paper. That was years and many…

  • Engine Start

    Little bit of crop­ping, little bit of col­our pro­cessing, little bit of Tilt Shift. All done on the iPad. I used Cam­era­Bag, Tilt­Shift­Gen, and PhotoPal. Fun with iOS apps 😉

  • My iPhone accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express…

    Yes it’s true. Not too far in the future, my Gar­age Sale will take cred­it card pay­ments. Cour­tesy of a neat inven­tion that you knew someone had to invent; the Square iPhone dongle. The premise is pretty simple: Plug it into your iPhone Swipe a cred­it card to com­plete a transaction Square announced the device…