Tag: phone

  • And we have a winner…

    This week­end was a busy one with the reg­u­lar life stuff, as well as draw­ing a win­ner for the Palm Pre 2 giveaway con­test. Through a rigirous and exact­ing pro­cess of fil­ter­ing new fol­low­ers review­ing tweets, and gen­er­at­ing a ran­dom num­ber a ran­dom num­ber of times — the win­ner of the Palm Pre 2, Touch­stone…

  • Looking for a smart phone? Consider the Palm Pre 2. Seriously.

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been check­ing out the Palm Pre 2 — the next gen­er­a­tion key­board / touch screen data­phone from HP. Pre­vi­ously I’d not con­sidered a webOS phone much of a con­tender against the tra­di­tion­al lead­ers (Black­berry and iPhone), but this little unit changed my mind. In this review, I’ll touch on the…

  • Keeping your holiday photos safe

    The holiday season is upon us, which means that we’ll be enjoying time spent with family and friends. Many of us will grab our handy camera-enabled data phones and snap priceless shots that we’ll want to share, and keep for posterit...

  • Tablets will be the story this holiday season

    The iPad has been out for a bit now, and it’s the tab­let that all the oth­ers will be com­pared against as they jockey for pos­i­tion going into the hol­i­day season. But over­all, I think this is the year that tab­lets finally start to make some head­way into the mar­ket­place; a mar­ket­place already crowded with…

  • Android, Blackberry or iPhone? Which is right for you.

    Earli­er today I dropped in to the CityTV’s Break­fast Tele­vi­sion set to chat about the three main types of data phones. Basic­ally we were look­ing at the data phones, and the types of people who each type of phone is best suited for — or not suited for 🙂 Here’s my notes from the early morn­ing chat:…

  • How to keep your travel communications costs down, easily.

    Wheth­er you’re on vaca­tion or trav­el­ling for work, tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions costs are a pain, and can really impact your the cost of your travel. Recently I’ve star­ted using two tools that let me call home or the office, talk as long as I want, and not break the bank. …more This post is an excerpt from…