Tag: lighting

  • When is an iPad not an iPad?

    Ok, per­haps it is actu­ally “magic­al and revolu­tion­ary”. Or per­haps we’re just mov­ing toward the day that yes, there really is an app for that. Smart phones and tab­let com­puters are set to explode this year, but what will really move the hard­ware is innov­at­ive soft­ware cre­ated by developers who can see bey­ond the tra­di­tion­al fare…

  • Cool! Online lighting diagram creator — photography

    The fol­low­ing post is a Quick­Hit™ — an art­icle or post I found online and thought was import­ant enough to share dir­ectly with you. Of course, you’ll see my thoughts or opin­ions pre­pen­ded or appen­ded to this post, oth­er­wise I’m just scrap­ing con­tent, and that’s not the intent. I’m look­ing for tools to help me…

  • Alberta Legislature Ice Sculpture

    We went to the Alberta Legis­lature last Thursday to listen to A Joy­ful Noise choir — Tess sings in it. The night was warm and we parked at the oth­er end of the Leg. The Christ­mas lights were in all the trees, and in the centre foun­tain was this very neat (and col­our­fully lit) ice sculpture.

  • Get back to where you want to be

    P1030481 Ori­gin­ally uploaded by bgri­er Today I picked up one tool that my pho­to­graphy kit­bag has been miss­ing for a while, a flash slave trigger. And this one of the first shots taken using it. Beer, of course 🙂 Slave was a Viv­itar 283 sit­ting about 60 degrees to the right of the glass, triggered by…