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Tag: iPhone 4

  • This is the week that was

    Wow. I com­plain that the tech news week is slow, so what hap­pens? Stuff. iPad spec­u­la­tion, high-tech worms, a new tab­let com­puter from RIM and much, MUCH MORE! Apple I Own An iPad, So What Do I do With It? NPD has released the second in its series of iPad sur­veys. While the first looked at buy­ing…

  • Battery life of a Microbe

    My wife uses an expres­sion to describe bat­tery-powered tech­no­logy that runs out of juice before it ‘should’ — Bat­tery Life of a Flea, is how she describes it. Well, if you thought you had prob­lems with iPhone or iPod Touch bat­tery life before, the new iOS4 update will not make you happy. Accord­ing to many anec­dot­al…