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Tag: Gadget

  • Setting up the Gadget

    In my pre­vi­ous post I talked about the Gad­get synth suite by Korg. Well, I kinda flailed around until I got some­thing I liked. Per­haps I should have watched this You­Tube video on it before flail­ing and I may have made bet­ter progress. Learn from my mistake 😀

  • It’s cold! Pamper your tech

    With the amount of gear I have around I’m sur­prised this does­n’t hap­pen to me more often. The weath­er in Edmon­ton has been rather cool of late, in the ‑20 to ‑30 degree range in fact. And today, since it’s warmed up to a reas­on­able ‑2, I decided to drive the car, rather than our oth­er,…

  • Go Go TomTom!

    I’ve been a GPS and in-car nav­ig­a­tion fan for years…mostly because I can­’t nav­ig­ate my way out of a wet paper bag, so my wife’d have you believe 🙂 Which is why when I was giv­en the oppor­tun­ity to take a look at the TomTom GO630 nav­ig­a­tion sys­tem, I jumped at the chance. …more This…