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Tag: FPS

  • 2012? Now what the f*#k are we supposed to do?

    Yep, looks like Ali­ens: Colo­ni­al Mar­ines will be released in 2012 — great news for any­one want­ing to go on a bug hunt. Of course, when I saw this teas­er video, I just had to share it:

  • Open the Portal. Discover a new game. Yes it’s free!

    Unless you’ve not been pay­ing atten­tion to the first-per­son-shoot­er or puzzle game genres over the last few years, you’re quite aware of what Portal is. But just incase you fall into that afore­men­tioned cat­egory, let me quote from … …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop…