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Tag: Dogs

  • It’s about rescuing the ones you can.

    Many of you know we sup­port and foster for CaliC­an Res­cue. This short video helps explain why.  

  • Selena, before the snow fell.

    A couple of days ago — a dog and her sun spot. via Flickr

  • End of a long day

    Tuckered Tri­cia. via Flickr

  • Tricia

    We’ve got a vis­it­or for a few weeks or so. Her first night but she’s fit­ting in nicely with the oth­er three. via Flickr

  • Mouser

    Selena hunt­ing mice in the Hostas via Flickr

  • The Mighty Bug

    Bog­art doing his thing. Left turn signaled. Shot with the FZ-50 and pro­cessed on the iPad with BigLens & Snapseed. via Flickr

  • The girls

    Selena and Heloise take a break from play­ing ball. #daschunds #dogs via Flickr

  • Selena and her heater vent

    via Flickr

  • Havin’ a ball

    Some­times it great just to kick back and play ball with the dogs. Espe­cially when it’s ‑20 some­thing out­side and the little Daschunds just don’t enjoy play­ing out­side. Yes, they like their squeaky balls. As you can tell, I’ve been play­ing with pho­tos in my iPad Dark­room. This shot was taken with my Panason­ic FZ-30,…

  • How to easily edit home video with free software from Microsoft

    Back in the day I used to be a news video­tape edit­or. This was before cam­er­as were digit­al — think back to the days of VCRs, Beta and VHS. Yep, that was the media of the day to record music and video. That was called Analog. The reas­on I bring that up is because edit­ing…

  • Some photos of the day

    I’m in Canada, so snow is a way of life at this time of year. It’s to be expec­ted, it’s routine, almost mundane. But occa­sion­ally you get the right mix of an early morn­ing snow­fall, and some really inter­est­ing light to provide the basis for creativity. Mix in a little Light­room tweak­ing, and I have fun:…

  • CD Case Calendar (Dec. 2008)

    CD Case Cal­en­dar (Dec. 2008) Ori­gin­ally uploaded by bgri­er After explor­ing fd’s Flickr Toys a bit I redis­covered the cool CD Case Cal­en­dar applic­a­tion. Take one month Add one photo (Selena and Heloise at Christ­mas) Stir gently Viola!