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Tag: Daschunds

  • The girls

    Selena and Heloise take a break from play­ing ball. #daschunds #dogs via Flickr

  • Havin’ a ball

    Some­times it great just to kick back and play ball with the dogs. Espe­cially when it’s ‑20 some­thing out­side and the little Daschunds just don’t enjoy play­ing out­side. Yes, they like their squeaky balls. As you can tell, I’ve been play­ing with pho­tos in my iPad Dark­room. This shot was taken with my Panason­ic FZ-30,…

  • Some photos of the day

    I’m in Canada, so snow is a way of life at this time of year. It’s to be expec­ted, it’s routine, almost mundane. But occa­sion­ally you get the right mix of an early morn­ing snow­fall, and some really inter­est­ing light to provide the basis for creativity. Mix in a little Light­room tweak­ing, and I have fun:…