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Tag: Community

  • I’m Moving to Empire Avenue!

    This likely won’t come as a shock to many of you; I’ve been invited to go work on Empire Aven­ue. Of course, I said yes. Start­ing Thursday, Septem­ber 1st, my role will be, as with any star­tup, kinda fuzzy to begin with. Offi­cially I’ll be the Dir­ect­or of Social and Com­munity Man­age­ment. In real­ity, I’ll be…

  • How your mobile phone or tablet could save your life

    Believe it or not, there are many ways your mobile smart phone could be used when you find your­self in the middle of an emer­gency situ­ation,  aside from the obvi­ous — mak­ing a phone call for emer­gency assist­ance, I mean. The recent events in Japan and New Zea­l­and have shown that when dis­aster strikes, get­ting the…

  • SoundCloud — Flickr for musicians?

    Recently I’ve star­ted pok­ing around syn­thes­izer and music tech­no­logy on my iPad and desktop com­puter. I’ve not made any­thing note­worthy to share yet, but when I do, I’ll be using Sound­Cloud as one of my medi­ums to share. Like Flickr you say? Sound­Cloud is very much like Flickr — an online des­tin­a­tion where mem­bers upload and share…

  • iPad and iPhone used in Christmas Concert

    I’m always a suck­er for iPad and iPhone ‘instru­ment’ videos, so here’s anoth­er — an iBand per­form­ing at a com­munity church.  North Point’s iBand from North Point Web. Though the instru­ments are vir­tu­al, the musi­cian­ship is real. Well done!

  • On the radio…

    Earli­er this week I had great fun! CBC Edmon­ton­’s Peter Brown (who reg­u­larly hosts the after­noon drive-time pro­gram Radio Act­ive) inter­viewed me for a series on Edmon­ton blog­gers and pod­casters called E‑Pinion. We chat­ted about this blog, what got me into blog­ging, life­style tech­no­logy etc. And I men­tioned my Mom a couple of times too. For…