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Tag: communication

  • On Flipboard

    EDIT: 2 days later and my read­er­ship has almost doubled! So. I’ve got 28,000 51,000 read­ers of my online gam­ing magazine — a Flip­board titled On Gam­ing. Holy Cow!!!! When I star­ted my Flip­board I had nev­er real­ized it would become this suc­cess­ful. I’m totally humbled and blown away. What’s a FlipBoard? If you fol­low me on…

  • How your mobile phone or tablet could save your life

    Believe it or not, there are many ways your mobile smart phone could be used when you find your­self in the middle of an emer­gency situ­ation,  aside from the obvi­ous — mak­ing a phone call for emer­gency assist­ance, I mean. The recent events in Japan and New Zea­l­and have shown that when dis­aster strikes, get­ting the…

  • Reinventing the Walkie Talkie

    Back in the day, this kind of thing was what people used to talk to each oth­er over dis­tances, using radio waves. You were lim­ited by the power of the unit and the type and num­ber of obstacles between you and the per­son you were talk­ing with. And gen­er­ally, your con­ver­sa­tion could be over­heard by any­one…