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Tag: camera

  • Silent Film Director now less silent

    Just a quick update, the cool old-timey movie mak­ing app for iPhone (and yes, it does run on the iPad too) just received an update that brings the num­ber of avail­able sound­tracks up to 8. And yeah, it’s a pretty cool app, espe­cially if you’ve been want­ing to play around with movie mak­ing on your iOS…

  • Need a mic? Find a Yeti.

    In the last few years it’s got­ten a bit easi­er to use a micro­phone to record audio on your home com­puter — USB head­sets with qual­ity micro­phones have been avail­able for a while, but only recently have USB desktop micro­phones oved out of the niche and spe­cialty retail­ers into the main­stream, driv­en mostly by the…

  • I have a new blog! And a contest!

    Over the last little while you may have noticed I’ve become a bit iPad cent­ric. To be spe­cif­ic, I’ve been explor­ing using the iPad as a port­able, digit­al darkroom. Yes, the iPad does­n’t have a cam­era (for now, maybe in ver­sion 2?), but that should­n’t stop us from using it to manip­u­late images impor­ted into…

  • Woot! New Canon Rebel T3 cameras

    Last year around this time, Can­on intro­duced the Rebel T2i (also known as the EOS 550D). An awe­somely speced-out cam­era, as all the Rebel’s are, aimed squarely at the con­sumer Digit­al SLR and home video mar­ket — yes, the Rebel T2i was a true hybrid. Well, today Can­on reprised that tune with the announce­ment of…

  • Havin’ a ball

    Some­times it great just to kick back and play ball with the dogs. Espe­cially when it’s ‑20 some­thing out­side and the little Daschunds just don’t enjoy play­ing out­side. Yes, they like their squeaky balls. As you can tell, I’ve been play­ing with pho­tos in my iPad Dark­room. This shot was taken with my Panason­ic FZ-30,…

  • Revisiting an old friend

    It’s a new year, so the slate is clean and there’s lots of new things to try. Or old things that dropped off the radar to revisit. In my case, it’s pho­to­graphy and image pro­cessing. I used to enjoy work­ing in a wet dark­room and watch­ing images mater­i­al­ize on paper. That was years and many…

  • Keeping your holiday photos safe

    The holiday season is upon us, which means that we’ll be enjoying time spent with family and friends. Many of us will grab our handy camera-enabled data phones and snap priceless shots that we’ll want to share, and keep for posterit...

  • Point and shoot — and hope you captured your subject

    Yes, this is anoth­er post about some cool tech that I took trav­el­ling with me on a recent vaca­tion to Maui. And yes, again I’m talk­ing about the Panason­ic DMC-TS2, a nifty point-and-shoot cam­era that I fell in love with in a pre­vi­ous post. This time, I’m going to talk about tak­ing the unit under…

  • I think I’m in love with a point-and-shoot camera

    If you’ve been fol­low­ing my recent flickr image posts, you’ll know that I’m not freez­ing and endur­ing the spring snow that’s hit the Alberta prair­ies. Rather, I’m bask­ing and bak­ing in the sunny trop­ic­al para­dise that is Maui, Hawaii. …more This post is an excerpt from one of my weekly posts on the Future Shop…

  • It was a dark and stormy morning

    It’s been said that the best cam­era is the one you have with you — heck it’s even the title of a book on iPhone photography. Which makes sense, because you can eas­ily stumble across a nifty scene, as I did here, and not be able to cap­ture it if you don’t have a cam­era…