Tag: Books

  • Libraries are dead. Long live the Librarian!

    I love it when coin­cid­ence and syn­ergy lead to a blog post, this post in fact. In a post earli­er this week, Seth God­in lead us through the his­tory of the Lib­rary and the Lib­rar­i­an. In his post, he even­tu­ally settled on the some­what alarm­ing concept that the Lib­rary was basic­ally dead: Wiki­pe­dia and the huge databanks…

  • Checking out library books on your eReader?

    Got a Sony eReader and use the Sony Reader store? Well check out the little blue & white box in the right-hand sidebar on the page. Yep, you read correctly -- you can check out books from the library and read them on your eReader.

  • It’s a Book [video]

    I’ll let the video do the talking. Hat tip to my friend Tim for post­ing this on Facebook 🙂

  • 3 books I’d give as Christmas presents

    I’m spend­ing much more time in malls and shops this month — must be the sea­son.  One of my favour­ite places to spend time is a book shop. Any book shop. Some­thing about them just make me happy. This year, I spot­ted three books that I’m con­sid­er­ing either giv­ing or get­ting for myself, just ’cause they’re…