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Tag: Blog Contest

  • Write a comment, win a prize!

    I’ve been a fan of Click­free backup sys­tems for a while now. Drop­dead simple and effect­ive for most home usage. Well now the kind folks at Click­free have giv­en me the oppor­tun­ity to share the love, so to speak, in the form of a con­test, my first, in fact. All the gory details are here, but…

  • Brad’s first blog contest — backup horror stories

    And we’re done. I’ve received some excel­lent entries in the Backup Hor­ror Story con­test. Give ’em a read below, and feel free to add your com­ments too. And of course, feel free to share your hor­ror story too, but sadly, this con­test is closed.  Wel­come to the first (of hope­fully) many con­test I’d like to…