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Tag: apple store

  • Unleash your inner Spielberg

    I’m sure all of us have, at one point or anoth­er, dreamed of releas­ing that movie dir­ect­or deep inside, and mak­ing our own movie, com­plete with music and spe­cial effects. Well, if your dream is to make one that hearkens back to the golden days of silent cinema, then I’ve got an inex­pens­ive app for you.…

  • This is the week that was

    Wow. I com­plain that the tech news week is slow, so what hap­pens? Stuff. iPad spec­u­la­tion, high-tech worms, a new tab­let com­puter from RIM and much, MUCH MORE! Apple I Own An iPad, So What Do I do With It? NPD has released the second in its series of iPad sur­veys. While the first looked at buy­ing…