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Tag: announcement

  • And we have a winner…

    This week­end was a busy one with the reg­u­lar life stuff, as well as draw­ing a win­ner for the Palm Pre 2 giveaway con­test. Through a rigirous and exact­ing pro­cess of fil­ter­ing new fol­low­ers review­ing tweets, and gen­er­at­ing a ran­dom num­ber a ran­dom num­ber of times — the win­ner of the Palm Pre 2, Touch­stone…

  • Woot! New Canon Rebel T3 cameras

    Last year around this time, Can­on intro­duced the Rebel T2i (also known as the EOS 550D). An awe­somely speced-out cam­era, as all the Rebel’s are, aimed squarely at the con­sumer Digit­al SLR and home video mar­ket — yes, the Rebel T2i was a true hybrid. Well, today Can­on reprised that tune with the announce­ment of…

  • iPredict: some new stuff from Apple on Wednesday.

    Once again we’re on the cusp of Apple’s annu­al Fall ‘event’. Over the last few years it’s been focused on Apple’s vis­ion of music, enter­tain­ment, and the hard­ware tech­no­logy needed by us, the con­sumers, to real­ize that vision. So in two days, Septem­ber 1, we’ll know what that vis­ion of the future looks like. But…