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Category: sponsoredpost

  • Another way to count the vote

    Canada isn’t the only nation hav­ing an elec­tion in May. Folks in the United King­dom go to the polls on May 5th — and when they do, they’ll not only be select­ing their lead­ers, they’ll be vot­ing on a ref­er­en­dum to change they way votes are coun­ted. And this has the chance to really make…

  • Calling All Scientists — Google Science Fair Entry Deadline Looms

    Well there’s only 5 days left (as I write this) for stu­dents world-wide com­plete their exper­i­ments, write-up their sum­mar­ies, and cre­ate their sup­port­ing video (or slide present­a­tion) for entry into the Google Sci­ence Fair ( I’m really look­ing for­ward to see­ing the cre­ativ­ity shown in these entries — espe­cially any that relate to liv­ing in a…

  • Sponsored post — Lunchster helps you organize your lunch dates

    The fol­low­ing is a sponsored post, com­mis­sioned by Lunch­ster, via Izea. Though this is a paid post, the words and ideas below are mine. Hook­ing up with friends for lunch has always been a bit of a chal­lenge for me, and I’ve always been look­ing for a way to make it easi­er. I don’t often write…