Category: On the web
Only 50? Seems longer…
Only 50 years ago today, a significant milestone in the space race was achieved, launching a man, the Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin, beyond the atmosphere and into a single orbit of the Earth. Lots of cool space and Gagarin related info found via Google today; they also provided the cool animation on their doodle — just float…
Best new iPad video yet [Video]
I recognized a few apps there 🙂 Quite a lot of work, well done.
Have you backed up your data today?
Today is World Backup Day, I’m told, but to be frank, every day you should be thinking about the safety of your data, there’s just too much of it that’s irreplaceable. So, today, I’m going to take a quick look at some of the backup systems I use and have in place. Yes, I said…
Using paper money as augmented reality target for a Gunship game
That has to be the weirdest headline I’ve written in a while, but it does describe the concept. Doesn’t make it more understandable though, which is why I’ve included this video. Very cool concept. Via CruncGear
I have a new blog! And a contest!
Over the last little while you may have noticed I’ve become a bit iPad centric. To be specific, I’ve been exploring using the iPad as a portable, digital darkroom. Yes, the iPad doesn’t have a camera (for now, maybe in version 2?), but that shouldn’t stop us from using it to manipulate images imported into…
How to make Stairway to Heaven on iOS devices
Very cool video showing multitrack audio software and instrument apps recording Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven in multiple passes.
Hardware helps information be free
Information wants to be free, an interesting phrase summing up the concept that technology has the potential to be liberating, rather than oppressing. It was first used in the 1960’s and attributed to the founder of the Whole Earth Catalog. Today, that phrase is often used to support open file sharing activities. And recently I…
I’m giving away a Palm Pre 2
Time for another Lifestyle Technology giveaway contest — and this time the prize is one very cool Palm Pre 2 and a few accessories, worth around $500.00. 😀 Over the last few weeks I’ve had a chance to put the Palm Pre 2 through it’s paces and found it to be a solid smartphone. And…