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The colour of the city…

Every city has its own col­our scheme, influ­enced by the loc­al flora, fauna, ter­rain and dom­in­ant architecture.  The Wal­rus delves into Cana­dian city col­our with this inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of palettes derived from pro­vin­cial cap­it­als and the fed­er­al capital.  For each city, I had to centre on what makes it unique, such as prom­in­ent land­marks or…

Every city has its own col­our scheme, influ­enced by the loc­al flora, fauna, ter­rain and dom­in­ant architecture. 

The Wal­rus delves into Cana­dian city col­our with this inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of palettes derived from pro­vin­cial cap­it­als and the fed­er­al capital. 

For each city, I had to centre on what makes it unique, such as prom­in­ent land­marks or dis­tinct­ive fea­tures of its built envir­on­ment. As a res­ult, region­al dif­fer­ences emerge: the North tends to be very bright, the Mari­times aquat­ic, Ott­awa pale.

Kate Trgo­v­ac has a great per­spect­ive on Todd Falkowsky’s print art­icle, but I’m just impressed that someone has taken the time to col­our the cities!


Link (Thanks Kate!)






3 responses to “The colour of the city…”

  1. […] book­marks tagged envir­on­ment The col­our of the city… saved by 13 oth­ers     xGaaraXLustx book­marked on 01/28/08 | […]

  2. Kate Trgovac Avatar

    Thanks for the shout-out, Brad! It’s a pretty cool piece by Todd, isn’t it? The Edmon­ton col­our palette is quite nice. 🙂 And I do really like the idea of col­our rep­res­ent­ing the essence of something.

  3. Brad Grier Avatar

    Hey Kate, thank YOU for find­ing that piece in the first place. I’m think­ing the Edmon­ton palette is good…though today, some­thing with a crisp blue & white, and a pristine sun-yel­low would reflect the ‑30 I woke up to this morning.

    Col­our, like scent and taste, can evoke memor­ies, moods and feel­ings, it’s great to see the dif­fer­ences and similarities!

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